Beasiswa Penelitian untuk Mahasiswa S2
Program In Search of Balance (ISB) kerjasama Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Universitas
Agder Norwegia menawarkan 25 beasiswa penelitian senilai @ Rp 40 juta bagi
mahasiswa S2 UGM.
1. Mahasiswa S2 UGM pada Fakultas Kehutanan, Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Ilmu
Sosial dan Politik, Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, dan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
dengan status kemahasiswaan aktif
2. Telah menyelesaikan semua perkuliahan 2 semester pertama
3. Bersedia melakukan penelitian dan menulis tesis tentang salah satu topik pada
program ISB
4. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris (diutamakan)
Berkas aplikasi meliputi:
1. Proposal penelitian maksimal 3.000 kata (ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau
bahasa Inggris)
2. Surat rekomendasi dari ketua Program Studi masing-masing
3. Transkrip nilai akademik 2 semester pertama
Batas akhir aplikasi: 27 Mei 2013
Kirimkan berkas aplikasi kepada koordinator beasiswa S2/master program ISB,
Dr. Agus Suwignyo, MA melalui email:
Topik-topik penelitian program ISB
Program penelitian ISB bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kemunculan kelas
menengah pedesaan dan penciptaan kesejahteraan di Indonesia, menyangkut
keseimbangan (pemahaman tentang) peran negara, sektor swasta, dan koperasi. Topiktopik penelitian diturunkan dari tema besar, di antaranya:
- Reformation of current decentralization laws in Indonesia
- Roles and improvement potentials for local political and bureaucratic institutions
- Impacts of decentralization on economic growth, equity, corruption, and
sustainable development in Indonesia
- National rules for the issuing of local regulations (perda)
- Mechanisms and processes of local power and welfare distribution
- Fair distribution and efficiency of public services in education and health
- National laws and local regulations for public service delivery
- CSR (corporate social responsibility) as alternative to public services and
infrastructure development
- Legal regulations of CSR in Indonesia
- Legal aspects of cooperatives and non-profit organizations
- Popular Indonesian slogan, “The best government is the least government”, - is it
- Regional and social inequalities in Social Safety Net Programs (eg. JPSBK) - Fair and transparent distribution of REDD+ funds for economic development
- Abatement cost analyses of land-use change
- Social profitability of local environmental services
- Climate change and welfare at local level
- Problems of top-down and centralized models for environmental protection
- Youth and the conscience on environmental degradation
- Employment creation by innovation, entrepreneurship and microcredit
- Impacts of global trends on local economies
- Gender perspectives on local employment
- Improved systems for integrating planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation
of public policies and service delivery
- Strategies for civil service competence and capacity building
- Enhanced local welfare by improved information systems and knowledge
- Access to information and challenges of information asymmetry
- Consumption vs. investment of enhanced local income
- Re-establishing welfare after disasters
- Potentials and strategies for fair and efficient tax collection
- Local cooperatives and the handling of microcredit for investment
- Forest resource utilization and environmental sustainability
- Legal aspects of forest resource utilization: national vs. adat laws
- Overlapping and contradicting laws on resource utilization and environmental
- Poverty alleviation and livelihood creation in remote areas
- Community involvement in decision making and implementation of forest
- Fair and equitable benefit-sharing mechanism for natural resource utilization
- Non-timber forest products and appropriate processing technologies
- Models of community-based forest and resource management
- Reestablishing welfare after disasters
Kontak dan informasi lebih lanjut:
Dr. Agus Suwignyo, MA
Koordinator Beasiswa S2 Program ISB UGM-UiA
Jurusan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Gedung Margono Lt. 2
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